End of Year Hustle

Are you working today?

Your customers might be–depends on the industry of course. I am–lots to crank through so I”ve been at it since 7. It’s going to be a long day, and then there’s this apparently some party tonight but I’m probably going to miss it.

Trade contractors are working today, so Joe over at Current is hitting the phones and email, setting up demos and meetings locally, working on establishing the base of customers. And he’s reaching them–it was a good idea to not take today off, because Current’s prospects haven’t either.

Like tax changes have created a last-minute crunch to either sell stock, sell companies, or pay dividends. Today is the last day a company can declare and pay dividends for shareholders to get this year’s 15% tax rate. So a bunch of lawyers and execs are toiling away today, too.

Some companies that pay dividends have chosen not to accelerate their dividends dates, which I could understand if they were scheduled for later in 2013, but a number of them are in January. It seems a disservice to shareholders to do that.

I like the end of year hustle. Vacations at this time of the year are for the wealthy and those with less dependency on presence. I might take one later this winter, but for now it’s game on.

Update: Steve at Locallyfm http://www.locally.fm is apparently hustling too. Great vision, should do well. I’m sure a ton of startups are hustling today.

Breaks are good though–make sure you give yourselves some space now and again.

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