
Yesterday I met with two different startups. One was Mission Research, which gave me a really sweet Christmas present and thank you note, which I’ll likely frame. It was great to see the amazing progress and health of the company since last year.

The other was appMobi, which now has a few dozen employees and is based in you guessed it, downtown Lancaster. It’s raised many millions from local investors, which puts me to shame :).

You remember my complaints about money flowing like molasses? Well, Sam must be pretty sweet at turning molasses into water, because it seems like it’s flowing pretty well for him.

And for good reason: appMobi aims to be the leading platform provider for HTML5, which is the future of the web and mobile web. And I believe it can do it.

Check it out; if you’re a developer, give it a shot and let me know what you think. I’m so pleased they are here, growing well, raising capital, and trying to be the leader in a web platform. I love, love platform plays, and if they can nail the developer evangelism, training, documentation, etc, they have a great chance of achieving that.

Once they do, appMobi will be a key part of the startup ecosystem here in Lancaster. Perhaps the center of it.

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